
Does your playroom feel like a disorganized mess? Is it full of toys your child hasn’t touched in years? Our three-step process transforms your playroom into a space that engages your child for hours and gives you time back in your day.

  • We sort through your toys and make recommendations on what to keep and donate.

  • Post purge, we evaluate your current toys and see what gaps need to be filled. Next, we compile a list of new items based on your child’s developmental stage, interests, strengths and areas for growth.

  • We prioritize storing and labeling toys in a way that makes sense to your kiddos and facilitates an easy clean up.

  • Starting at $2,100


Looking for a total playroom renovation? From paint, to built-ins, to furniture, to toys, we’ve got you covered. We prioritize aesthetics and child development as we create an engaging space for your unique child.

  • During our initial in-home consultation, we tour your space, interview your family and play with your kiddos! After discussing your budget, we send over a contract with an estimate and scope.

  • After identifying your child’s curiosities and developmental stage, we share multiple mood boards and layouts for the space. Once we land on a design we all love, we provide renderings to help you envision your dream playroom.

  • Now it’s time to get down to business! This phase includes sourcing products and managing contractors until your design is fully implemented.

  • We use a time and materials model for pricing. Cost and timeline are dependent on the scope of the project.

"Two days after Claire and Lily finished, I was in the kitchen and realized an hour had passed without hearing anything from not only my 4-year-old, but also my 8-year-old twins! They were all in the playroom deeply engaged in their play and not arguing at all!"


“Our playroom finally has a heart and soul and our kids are excited to be using age-appropriate tools that allow them to continue to grow and flourish. I couldn't be happier with the result and highly recommend Claire and Lily to anyone who is looking to add some 'magic' to their home.”

Gray Malin

Inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education

  • The idea that children are competent and capable. When believed in by adults, kids come through! Rather than understanding children as pre-citizens, we believe they are community members with ideas worth sharing and ways of thinking worth mirroring.

  • The belief that there are many ways to communicate an idea. We primarily value written word in our Western context, but many mediums get a point across. Song, dance, painting, sculpting, and poetry are a few examples.

  • This approach recognizes three teachers in a child’s life: parent, educator, and environment. When thoughtfully outfitted with quality furnishings and materials, a play space has the power to guide children in their learning. We do just that!

  • Offering materials in a way that will propel children forward into bigger and more complex research… Or they could surprise us and begin exploring something completely unprecedented, which they often do!